Examining the Thoughts of Special Education Teachers on Occupational Burnout: Example of Van Province
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special education, teacher opinions, professional burnoutAbstract
Examining special education teachers' perspectives on job burnout in Van Province is the aim of this study. The phenomenology pattern and the qualitative research approach were used in the aforementioned study. The core of the research study group is made up of special education instructors who work in key districts and special education schools in Van Province. The selection of participants was done using the criteria sampling method. To collect the data, a semi structured interview form was used. For a descriptive analysis centered on predefined topics, the data were submitted. The study's findings suggest that a number of factors, including inaccurate diagnosis and placement, uncaring parents, the physical state of classrooms, a shortage of supplies, the presence of students who develop slowly and have difficulty keeping up with their peers, the presence of school administrators who are uninterested in special education, and the presence of various disabled groups in the same class, are main causes of burnout among special education teachers. In light of this, it was determined that some factors contribute to the professional burnout of special education teachers. These factors include the challenge of creating differentiated lesson plans that cater to the needs of students with special needs, unsatisfactory classroom infrastructure, a dearth of resources, the presence of administrators who have no connection to special education, and the failure to advance workers' personal rights as a result of heavy workloads. It is recommended that identification and placement procedures for students with special needs should follow established guidelines.
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