Substance Abuse Among University Students: The Role of Parenting Styles, Childhood Trauma, Meaning Search, and the Educational Process

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parental attitudes, childhood trauma, search for meaning, substance addiction


The rise of globalization and individualization in today’s world has rendered life increasingly complex. Within this complexity, childhood emerges as a critical period in individual development. Inadequate fulfillment of children's material and emotional needs or exposure to abuse during this period may lead to lifelong challenges. During childhood, the foundations of personality are established, and individuals begin to explore orientations that add meaning to their lives. Meaninglessness and aimlessness can adversely affect lives by prompting individuals to develop dependencies on relationships, mental and emotional complexities, or substances. Substance dependency, particularly chemical addiction, has a long-standing presence globally, with its prevalence increasing despite legal restrictions. Childhood is a formative phase for individuals' fundamental values and beliefs, shaped significantly by parental attitudes and the surrounding environment. Self-concept is influenced by both individual and family dynamics, and negative interactions or childhood trauma can hinder self-development, complicating the search for meaning and raising the risk of substance dependency. This article examines the relationship between parental attitudes, childhood trauma, and substance use, with a focus on university students, a group with high substance dependency risk.


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How to Cite

KIZILKAYA, M., ALTUNBAŞ ŞAHİN, M., & AKTAŞ, B. (2024). Substance Abuse Among University Students: The Role of Parenting Styles, Childhood Trauma, Meaning Search, and the Educational Process. International Journal of Progressive Studies in Education (ijopse), 2(2), 56–69.


