Examples of Values Education Activities in Preschool Period

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  • Serdar Safalı Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi
  • Yaprak Aydın




preschool, value education, activites, development


People are social beings who prefer to live within society; however, not every group of individuals represents a society. One of the essential characteristics that a group must possess to be identified as a community is having specific values. All societies tend to pass down their values to future generations, with education being one of the most crucial means. Values education provided during the period of early childhood, which is the fastest developmental stage for an individual, is carried out weekly and monthly according to a specific plan. The aim is to instill societal values such as love, respect, tolerance, and patriotism in children. These values are addressed within the framework of the Ministry of National Education's Early Childhood Education Program. The first step in education, early childhood education, nurtures children to become individuals who meet the expectations of society. The purpose of this study is to examine examples of value education activities in early childhood education. The research employs a qualitative research method, specifically the literature review method. According to the research plan, the activities used in the educational process are examined month by month, and the values education provided for each month is explained. It is evident that the planned activities in the educational process are implemented with active student participation.


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How to Cite

Safalı, S., & Aydın, Y. (2023). Examples of Values Education Activities in Preschool Period. International Journal of Progressive Studies in Education (ijopse), 1(2), 46–64. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8347028



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