Teachers' Views on the Role of Social Studies Course in Gaining Patriotism Value
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Social studies course, patriotism value, teachers' viewsAbstract
One of the foundations of social studies education is to give students the value of patriotism. So much so that social studies aims to raise primary and secondary school students as productive and patriotic individuals by offering course content in the context of past, present and future. In this study, which was carried out considering the aforementioned purpose of social studies, it was aimed to examine the viewss of teachers about the role of social studies course in gaining the value of patriotism. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. The participant group of the study was formed by the convenience sampling method. The participant group included 10 social studies teachers working in three different secondary schools within the borders of Tokat province.The data of the research were collected through the semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher and analyzed with the descriptive analysis technique.At the end of the study, it was determined that social studies teachers made different definitions of the value of patriotism, expressed the scope of the social studies course in different ways, thought that students could gain the value of patriotism by doing and living, had various perspectives, and considered social studies as a basic course aimed at gaining the value of patriotism in relation to the role of the social studies course in gaining the value of patriotism. Based on the results obtained in the research, suggestions were made to the Ministry of National Education and researchers who are considering similar research.
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